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The Master's Pieces

The Master's Pieces is a soul stirring gospel play that challenges the fabric and the depth of your faith.  A cancer ridden wife has to deal with a cheating husband while waiting on God to put things back together again.  A heart warming performance that will laugh you to tears.  For we know, ALL things work together for the good of them that Love the Lord.



Bernard Biddle

Bernard Biddle is a native of Norfolk, VA, and began his music career at the age of 12 singing with nummerous groups.  In pursuit of his love for music, "B" moved to California to write, provide vocal backgrounds, training arrangements for multiple artists, and has worked with the likes of Teddy Riley, Leon Sylvers & Gospel Group and Men of Vision.  He has been in several productions with PWP as well as "Summers in Suffolk" starring renowned actress, Marla Gibbs.  He has alsos done a few projects for television..  He is the Assistant Director for PassageWay Productions.  


Ashley Butler

A native of Savannah, Ga, Ashley Jene' Butler is a proud wife and mother to three little boys. She is also a spoken word artist by the name of J.Jene' and an awesome Baker with her own baking business called Ashley Angelic Assortments. She is also a great actress and writer and will soon pursue her dreams of becoming a screen writer, play write and best selling author.


Leonardo Flythe

Leornardo "Nardo The Singer" Flythe born and raised in Norfolk, VA, is thrilled to be a part of his 3rd production with PWP.  He is one-half of the R&B Group, Ncluzive, ith his brother, Curtis "Haze" McLaughlin.  He also just released his solo EP "Painter". The group begain singing in night clubs, local talent shows and anywhere that would have them grace the stage.  You can easily find them on Facebook, Twitter, and countless other areas.    They also have Ncluzive apparel and an independent label.


George Dennis Frasier

G. Dennis Frasier has portrayed Pilate in “The Man Jesus”, Herod in “Christ is Born”, Deacon Jones in“There is no Failure in God”, Jesse in “David and Goliath”, William J. Seymore in “Behind the Curtain” and other characters in various productions at New Life Worship Center in Norfolk Virginia. After his debut performance as Ed Sullivan in the Passageway Production play “The Master’s Pieces”, Mr. Frasierlooks forward to acting in many other major national and international productions. Aside from theatre, he is an ordained Elder at his church. He has written and performed many puppet shows for children and adults. An avid reader, he also enjoys playing tennis, playing drums, cooking and teaching. He is thankful to many for his acting opportunities including  Bishop Carl Vann, Chuck Willoughby, Valerie Carney, Mel Scott, Joshua Williams and Niclous Howard.


Zeolana Howard

Zeolana "Zee" Howard, a native of Virginia Beach, VA,  has a natural acting ability, which has given her many opportunities to perform in several stage plays.  A few of her starring roles were in "God Don't Like Ugly" and "Stop! You're Hurting My Ears" with Mother & Daughter Productions, and past PWP productions.  She is also a "No-Nonsense Mixed with that Black Girl Magic" talented spoken word artist!  She believes she is fulfilling the purpose which God has for her life through PWP and the performing arts. She is the Vice President of PassageWay Productions, where she is overjoyed to utilize her expertise and be the teammate and support system PWP deserves.  She would like to thank her family and friends for their continued love and support.  


Vickie Tart

The actress hobbies consist of singing. She was born in Pine Hill Alabama and raised in Akron,
Ohio. She completed school and later entered the military for seven years. She continued her college
education and has completed her Bachelors of Science. She has song in the church all her life and continues to sing at many churches and events throughout the Hampton Roads area. She is excited to participate in project and thanks everyone for the opportunity.


Brianna Tyson

She is a 24 yr old MUA Born and Raised in Virginia Beach, VA.  She is no stranger to the stage.  She found her love for theatre and music at a young age and became inducted into the ITS(International Thespian Society) while in high school.  This is her debut performance with PassageWay Productions.  She loves spending time with Family, Cooking, and Traveling. 


Roslyn Warner

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York to the late Ronald and Shirley Kittrell. Roslyn is the 5th child out of six talented young ladies. Roslyn graduated from Erasmus Hall HS Acadamy of The Fine Art there in Brooklyn, NY. She has sang with serveral well known artist such as Eric Clapton, Carlie Simon, the late Edwin Hawkins and John Lennon. Roslyn grew up in the Church Of God In Christ where she sat under the musical teaching of the late Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, Benny Cummings and Rev. Timothy Wright. She sang with Benny Cummings and The King's Temple Choir from the age of 12 until adulthood as well as Rev. Timothy Wright's Concert Choir for some years before relocating to Virginia in 1992. She is the mother of two beautiful girls Shirley and Diamond and grandmother to a handsome young man named Terence. She is married to her soulmate Carl Warner whom she loves dearly. Roslyn loves singing, cooking and riding her
motorcycle with her husband.


Angela Williams

Angela Williams is an Evangelist, Singer and Songwriter who resides in Newport News, VA.  This is her second role with PassageWay Productions.  She is no stranger to the stage.  Four years ago, she was very excited when God afforded her the opportunity to land the lead role in the hit stage play "Tired of Paying These Bills All By Myself". That led to her co-producing and directing the stage play "You Got What You Wanted, But Lost What You Had".  An anointed & gifted singer, she travelled for over 23 years with the family group Apostle Ruby Turner and The Jones Singers until God called her to her own ministry Evangelist Angela Cooke and Devine Favor two years ago. Her spirit and soul-stirring voice has truly been a blessing to the PWP family!  "I count it an honor to be a part of this production.  Looking forward to spreading the Good News in ministry and a continued relationship in the world of theatre!"


Joseph Curtis Wills

Joseph (Joe) Wills aka “The Inspirational Comedian”, is a product of Philadelphia, Pa but is now a resident of Chesapeake, Va. He is a loving husband, devoted father, clean Christian comedian and inspirational speaker. He has starred in such performances as How You Do Love, Guys and Dolls, Last Miracles of Christ and Blessed.



Ruby Jones


Brittany Sessoms


Angelo Lassiter

Music By

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Straight Pocket Band

© 2025 Passageway Productions

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